Saturday, July 14, 2012


After Stampede week Janice and Jim took us for a wee tiki-tour of the Kananaskis. The Kananaskis are over 4,000 square kilometres of mountain parks and foothills found southwest of Calgary.  Jim is an avid hunter/fisherman so his knowledge of the mountain area is amazing. The area is open to the public and you can even get permission to run your stock through the area (so long as you realise there are plenty of bears and cougars about!) We kept our eyes peeled for any sign of a bear (ideal viewing point is from a opposed to in person I've been told). Unfortunately we didn't see any bears or elks but we did see about a million squirrels and chipmunks - love them! - a few mountain sheep and some beautiful landscape. Oh and I almost forgot...Jim introduced us to Tim Hortons and to 'Tim Bits'...all I can say is YUM and I will try my best to keep them to a special treat. Here are some of the pics we took :)


Big Horn Sheep/Ewes (losing their winter hair...not so attractive!)

With Janice and Jim

Spot the Squirrel...or is it a chipmunk?? I can never tell!

Licking the salt off the road

Upper Kananaskis Lake

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