Thursday, October 11, 2012

It's time eat some concrete and harden up!

Our last month on the farm was all about getting stuck into the tough stuff...cutting steel, concrete work and then the stock started arriving so we got a bit of a taste of processing the cattle as they arrived. One afternoon after cutting steel for about 3 days straight I realised my eye was really irritated and after some investigation we found a piece of steel in my eye!! I tried rinsing it out and using a magnet to see if it would come out but no luck. So I jumped in the truck and headed into High River to see the optometrist, because the piece of metal had been in my eye for a couple of days (very small piece I might add) the optometrist told me it had rusted a little bit so he would have to grind the rust out...needless to say that was followed by a rather sick feeling and me fainting while he was grinding away!! Half an hour later I happily jumped in the truck, made a quick stop at Tim's for some Tim bits and a coffee and I was good to go! Here are some action shots of us hard at work.

Chairing the drink pad to get it ready for the concrete
The boys getting ready for concrete

Somewhere under there is me after cleaning the feed truck!
Enjoying a beer on the lawn after a big day of work

Back at my chairing duties
Fencing on the farm at dusk
Adam and I
James and Adam mucking around
Cutting Steel
James taking a quick break for me to get a nice shot while out fencing
Overlooking the farm
Cutting steel
Me and Katie (Jack Russell version!)

Cutting steel....again

Out for an evening ride
Enjoying an evening snack out the back of the farm house
Our house on the farm
The feedlot at dusk

Ripping out the old rotten fence
James putting up one of the new fences in the snow!

First snowfall in Canada!

As soon as the snow arrived the work started slowing down and it was time for James and I to move on to our next adventure, it was sure an interesting experience but both of us were feeling super excited about the move to Banff and the real reason we came to Canada...snowboarding and skiing!!!